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Obedience vs Manners

Why Obedience Isn’t Enough: The Key to a Well-Behaved Dog

October 06, 20243 min read

Why Obedience Isn’t Enough: The Key to a Well-Behaved Dog

Have you ever wondered why your dog seems perfectly obedient at home but then falls apart when guests arrive or when you're out for a walk? It’s frustrating to have a dog that knows 'sit,' 'stay,' and 'come,' yet still jumps on your guests, barks for food, or lunges at squirrels. You might be thinking, "Why doesn't my training stick?"

The answer lies in the difference between obedience and manners—and in this post, we'll explore why obedience training is only one step to a well-behaved dog.

Scenario: A Familiar Struggle
Picture this: Your dog, Bailey, is usually well-behaved around the family. But when guests come over, it's a different story. Bailey jumps all over them, seemingly unable to control herself. You tell her to 'sit,' but she’s too overwhelmed to listen. Or maybe you’re having dinner, and Bailey starts barking, demanding food. You say 'no,' but eventually, you give in just to have some peace. And then there’s the walk. Bailey walks calmly—until she spots a squirrel or another dog. Suddenly, she’s lunging, barking, and pulling, and you wonder why she’s ignoring all her training.

Why Obedience Falls Short
If you've put in hours of training your dog, you might feel discouraged when these behaviors keep happening. But it’s important to understand that these aren’t failures of obedience. What Bailey is missing isn’t the ability to follow commands—it’s the ability to make good choices on her own when emotions run high. This is where manners come in.

obedience vs manners

Obedience vs. Manners
Obedience is about responding to specific commands like 'sit' or 'stay.' It’s useful, but it often requires your input. Manners, however, are different. Manners involve your dog making decisions that are appropriate for the situation, without being prompted. It’s about Bailey choosing to stay calm when guests arrive, or waiting patiently instead of demand barking at dinnertime.

The Power of Practice and Repetition
Transformation happens when we help our dogs build self-control and learn to manage their emotions in different environments. Just like how children learn different behaviors for different places—a library versus a playground—our dogs need to practice and repeat calm behaviors to make them stronger and more frequent. Every time Bailey stays calm when guests arrive or on a walk, that behavior becomes more natural.

SMART x 50: Your Tool for Success


Want to help your dog learn to make better choices - even without your verbal cues? I’ve got a free guide to get you started. It’s called SMART x 50, a simple yet effective game to catch and reward your dog’s calm behavior 50 times a day, making it fun and easy to practice those manners that will transform your dog's behavior. Click Here. to get your copy.

True transformation isn’t just about how many commands your dog knows. It’s about how they feel, how they navigate the world, and how they make choices that benefit everyone. If you’re ready to help your dog develop manners, start by capturing those calm moments. Practice and repetition are key to building a well-mannered, well-behaved companion who can make good decisions—even when life gets exciting.

Good dog

Call to Action
Ready to start transforming your dog’s behavior? Big changes do not need to be hard or time consuming. Get your SMART x 50 guide now HERE. and begin capturing and rewarding your dog's moments of calm and good behavior. You and your dog deserve to be happy together!

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Teresa Loya

MS Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

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